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Annual Christmas Party

Posted by on January 24, 2020

We began our 2020 tasting year with our annual Christmas party. We hold the party in January to avoid the December party craze. Also, January is the time we bring in our new members. This year we brought in Mason (#77) and Andrew (#78). Each waited patiently on the list for almost four years and we are happy to welcome them in.

So the rules of the Christmas party are simple, and there are only three: 1) Each member brings and unopened bottle of whisk(e)y. We actually ask that they let us know what they are bringing so we don’t double up. 2) Each member brings food. Smoked brats, McDonald’s burgers, White Castle burgers, Pretzels, Chili….we end up with a ton of choices. 3) Each member is to bring friends. We want to share our love of whisk(e)y with everyone. (There is a fourth, unwritten rule……4) Don’t bring crap whisk(e)y. We define this as any whisky you have to bend way over to reach on the bottle two shelves at the store.)

We ended up with about 90 folks and about 50 different whiskies. With that many whiskies you get to have great conversations with long time drinkers and help newcomers work their way through taste profiles. It was a blast!

We always try to recognize the favorite whisky of the evening. This year is was Bomberger’s Declaration Bourbon Whiskey. It came out in limited quantities from the Michter’s folks and is fantastic! Thanks to Bill H. (#48) for discovering that gem!

It was a great party with a bunch of great people. We are looking forward to our 2020 tastings!


Doug S. (#1)

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