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Wood Hat Spirits

Posted by on March 13, 2015

BumpyLogo1A couple weeks ago I visited a distillery in New Florence , MO…Wood Hat Spirits. I spent a bit of time speaking with owner Gary Hinegardner and sipping whiskey.

Gary distills three expressions of corn whiskey and two bourbons, along with two cordials and a liqueur. His products come from locally sourced grains and barrels. His whiskies are really good and have a unique taste. He attributes this to the type of corn he is using and the fantastic Missouri wood the barrels are made from.

As you may know, whiskey gets a great amount of its flavor, and all of its color, from the wood. And I found to be an expert in this field. He spent his prime years working for the Independent Stave Company in Lebanon, MO and could speak all day about the wood and the taste that it imparts in to the whiskey.

My time at the distillery was quite enjoyable and Gary was a knowledgeable and gracious host. So if you are every traveling though Missouri on highway 70 be sure to stop in. You won’t regret the time.

Doug #1

P.S. Be sure to check out the wood hats that Gary makes and sells. Absolutely unique.

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