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The Christmas Party

Posted by on February 20, 2017

Well, another great year for the River City Whisky Society ends with a very successful Christmas Party. A couple years ago we decided to have the party in January to avoid competition with everyone’s work and family parties. But this time January turned into February because our venue was booked. It didn’t matter, though. We had a great crowd of about 100 folks eating a bunch of great food and drinking from 40+ different whiskies.

One of the best things about this party is that the cost is totally covered by the club. The club pays for the venue and the cigars while each member attending simply has to bring a bottle of whisky, a food item and a bunch of friends.

During the festivities we recognized three members who had retired during the year as well as remembering the five great tastings during 2016.

Thank you to everyone who came out and we look forward to next year’s Christmas party, whenever it happens end up.

By the way, the club members took a vote as to the “Best Whisky of the Night” and the “Best Food of the Night”. The winners get to attend the next regular club meeting for free. Keep in mind that about 10 bottles got emptied that evening but the favorite was the Glenfarclas 17 year old. The best food was that awesome brisket.


Thank again, everyone,

Mark & Doug

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