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Brown Bagging It

Posted by on October 17, 2014

solobourbon200_enlThe October tasting of the River City Whisky Society was another great event. The theme was “Brown Bag”. We purchased five whiskies and put each in a brown bag so the members and guests would not know what they were tasting. Yes, we did look like a bunch of winos.

Everyone was given tasting notes and then asked to do three things: 1) Make their own tasting notes, 2) Guess the possible cost for the bottle and finally 3) Rank the whiskies against each other.

The following is a list of the whiskies in order of the way they were ranked by the tasters from least favorite to the most favorite. I have also provided the alcohol percentage, the retail cost and the tasting notes from those in attendance.

Ranked fifth:

Trader Joe’s, 10 Year Old Highland Single Malt Scotch, 40% alcohol, $23.00

Fruity nose, Very light, Delicate, Taste of black pepper, Too sweet, Simple, Medium finish.


Ranked fourth:

Tamdu, 10 Year Old Speyside Single Malt Scotch, 43% alcohol, $60.00

Sweet smell, Chocolate scent, Plain, Light carmel taste, Taste of licorice and orange peal, Short oaky finish.


Ranked third:

Great King Street, Glasgow Blend by Compass Box, Blended Scotch, 43% alcohol, $38.00

Sweet, Smokey, Great undertones of peat, Smell of peat but not too heavy on the palate, Nice peppery finish.


Ranked second:

Kirkland brand (from Costco) 20 Year Old Speyside Single Malt Scotch, 40% alcohol, $70.00

Fruity nose, Dried fruits on the nose, Complex and bright, Full flavor, Oak and vanilla flavor, Mild sherry taste, Good aftertaste, Clean finish.


This final one, the winner of the tasting, easily beat out the rest. Drum roll please……


Ranked first:

Kavalan Solist, Bourbon Casked Single Malt from Taiwan, 57.8% alcohol, $130.00

Spicy nose, Sweet start, Thick and creamy, Fruit up front with oak/vanilla on the back end, Smooth taste, Loaded with flavor, Robust, Bourbon aftertaste, Peppery finish.


The evening concluded with the opening of the society’s library of whisky and cigars. It was another great time of friendship and comradery, which is what the River City Whisky Society is all about.

Until next time…Cheers!

Doug #1


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